Hello and welcome to Trevor and Eva's trip around the America's!


Hola i benvinguts al viatge del Trevor i l'Eva per les Amèriques!


Colombia, Ecuador and Peru / Colòmbia, Ecuador i Perú

With a fully serviced bike we headed off in the general direction of Ecuador. Colombia was a lovely surprise for the 2 of us, fantastic scenery and the nicest of people we met in this trip. 

Amb la moto com nova vam tirar en direcció a Equador. Colòmbia va ser una grata sorpresa per a tots dos, paisatges magnífics i la gent més maca que hem conegut en el que portem de viatge.

The only down side was that we got a lot of rain...
L’únic punt negatiu va ser la quantitat de pluja que vam trobar... 

And the traffic started to get a bit crazy too...

I el tràffic, que va començar a ser bastant boig...

But against all the odds we made sure we got well fed....
Però mancat tot això sempre ens hem assegurat de menjar be...

We were sad leaving Colombia with thoughts of returning some time in the future to see more. Even more sad when we crossed over to Ecuador and experienced the difference in the people, the litter and the deforestation that’s taking over the whole countryside. The most memorable thing for us was when we found ourselves in a shitty hotel in a dodgy town 3 hours away from the border with Peru, and what suposed to be a police strike ended up being an attemped coup, and all borders in and out of the country where closed down. We sat for dinner in front of the TV with live footage of the incidents, and by the time we were having dessert the police started to open fire to the military guys  when they went to rescue the president whom the police had in captivity, all this happening in the city of Quito, wich we just passed the day before... Pictures of ourselves being locked into the hotel while the whole town was being ravaged by looters was beginning to become more of  a reality for us as the TV coverage unfolded! Thankfully when we got up very early the following morning there was nobody running around the streets waiving guns o batons so we headed quickly for the border with Peru wich have been re-opened early that morning as we had met big convoys of trucks and cars againts us on the way.

Ens va costar de deixar Colòmbia enrere i de ben segur que tornarem en el futur per veure mes. Encara ens va costar mes quan vam creuar cap a Equador on ens hem trobat a gent molt diferent dels Colombians, molta brutícia i la gran majoria del terreny totalment desforestat. Però el moment més memorable del nostre pas per aquest país ha de ser quan ens vam trobar en un hotel super cutre d’un poble super ‘chungo’  a 3 hores de la frontera amb el Perú, i el que primer va començar com a una vaga de policies va acabar sent un atent de cop d’estat, que va resultar amb totes les entrades i sortides del país tancades. Mentre sopàvem vam seure’ns davant la TV on retransmetien en viu tots els aconteixements, però quan ja anàvem per les postres la policia rebel va intentar secuestrar al president i va començar a disparar contra els militars, tot això passava a Quito, la capital que tan sols feia un dia havíem deixat enrere... Nosaltres ja ens veiem tancats al hotel mentre a fora tot a la penya començava a saquejar el poble cada vegada més mentre la cosa es complicava a la tele! Gràcies a deu quan ens vam aixecar pel mati no hi havia ningun boig corrent pel carrer amb bastons o pistoles així que vam conduir cap a la frontera que feia poc que havien obert  ja que molts camions i cotxes venien en direcció contraria a la nostra.

Happy to leave Ecuador behind we went onto hotter pastures, wich was nice after experiencing the first cold patch on our trip, in Ecuador. Due to our post traumatic stress disorder caused by our Ecuadorian experience we decided to chill out for a few days in a warm beach town in northern Peru called Máncora.

Contents de sortir de Equador vam anar tirant cap a altres paisatges mes calorosos, cosa d’agrair ja que a Equador vam patir el primer fred del viatge. Desprès del patiment psicològic desprès de la nostra experiència equadoriana vam decidir de descansar uns dies a un poble de platja al nord de Perú anomenat Máncora. 

Trev making friends at the border / Fent amics a la frontera

A bit of rest, at long last! / Una mica de descans, a la fi!

Batteries recharged we headed down the coast towards Lima, a big long expanse of desert and dune land everywhere you look. Here we got introduced to the worse driving we experienced on this trip so far, none of wich was amazing but the Peruvians take it to a whole new level!!

Amb les bateries recarregades tirem cap a Lima per la zona de la costa, una llarga zona de desert i dunes allà on miris. Aquí vam ser ràpidament introduïts a la pitjor conducció de tot el viatge, no volem dir que fins ara la conducció era meravellosa però els Peruvians se’n porten el premi!!

And that´s the only bit of ‘water’ this land has seen all year!!!!
I aquesta regadeta es la única aigua que aquesta zona ha vist en tot l’any!!!!

Made as far as Nazca when we said goodbye to the sand and then we started our ‘ascent’ to the highlands. In a space of 3 hours you go from sea level to 3500m where your usual drowsiness and confusion gets multiplied by 10! These and shorness of breath, headache and nausea are tipical signs of altitude sickness, wich got the better of Eva so we had to stop and rest in a town called Puquio for the day. To our surprise there was celebrations of the patron saint of the town and we got to see the local folklore and customs on the town main square.
Arribem fins a Nazca quan diem adeu a la sorra i comencem el nostre ‘ascens’ cap a terres altes. En unes 3 hores passem d’estar a nivell del mar per pujar fins a 3500m a on la nostra tonteria i confusió usuals es multipliquen per 10! Aquests son un dels senyals del mal de alçada on també un pot tenir migranya, nàusea o falta d’aire al respirar. La Eva va patir bastant quan vam arribar a aquesta alçada així que van parar al poble de Puquio per tal d’aclimatar-nos. Quan vam entrar al poble estaven celebrant el dia de la verge patrona a la plaça del poble i vam poder gaudir una estona de la musica i balls  típics de la zona.

We headed up the road up to 4200m when we got to see the snow and the lamas. We passed small indigenous comunites who live up her all the time,hard people with hard lives.
Un cop climatitzats vam anar tirant cap els 4200m a on vam començar a veure la neu i les llames. Vam pasar per pobles de indígenes que viuen en aquelles terres tan dificils, i de vida dura sens dubte.

After 3 days of mountain climbimg through hair pin bends and  sheer drops we got to Cusco were we parked our ‘beast’ for a few days while we visited Machu Picchu. We went on a 4 hour train ride up to Aguas Calientes, on the doorstep of Machu Picchu where we parked ourselves for the night up to 3 am when we got up to queue at the bus station to make sure we were one of the first people at the Machu Picchu door as only the first 400 people of the day are allowed to climb Waynapichu, the highest pic near Machu Picchu. It takes a breathtaking hour and nerves of steel to climb it but the reward once you get on top is priceless as it has a bird’s eye view of the whole Machu Picchu site and you can really appreciate the scale and skill involved in building Machu Picchu.
Desprès de 3 dies de muntanyisme per corbes tancades i pendents de por vam arribar a Cusco a on vam aparcar a la ‘bèstia’ (la nostra moto) durant uns dies mentre visitàvem Machu Picchu. Desprès de 4 hores de tren arribem a Aguas Calientes, al peu del Machu Picchu a on vam pasar la nit fins a les 3 del matí, quan vam llevar-nos per fer cua a l’estació de l’autobús per tal d’assegurar-nos de ser dels primers a la porta de Machu Picchu ja que nomes les primeres 400 persones poden pujar  al Waynapichu, el pic mes alt prop del Machu Picchu. Pujar aquesta muntanya no es pels menys aventurers o pels que pateixen de vertigen però un cop a dalt un veu la recompensa ja que un te la millor vista del tot el complexe de Machu Picchu, i un pot apreciar la meravellositat i l’ingeni de la construcció del lloc.

This place was one of the highlights of our trip, we
spent about 9 hours up there climbing through ancient streets, houses and temples and amazing stonework.

Aquest lloc ha estat un dels millors indrets del nstre viatge fins ara, vam pasar unes 9 hores entre pedres antigues, cases i temples amb una enginyeria increïble. 

We wrote this at 4070m high in the city of Potosi, Bolivia, the highest city in the world! More to follow soon... Thanks for tunning in!
Això ho hem escrit a 4070m de altura, a la ciutat mes alta del món, Potosí a Bolivia. Tornarem amb mes històries ben aviat... Gràcies per seguir-nos!


  1. Hello Trevor and Eva,just viewed your latest update,fantastic stuff! Better you than me,to be at such crazy heights! Take extreme care!


  2. hi guys from rainy old ireland, just have to say the pictures are just amazing. i'm sure it makes all the ups and downs worth it with views like that. well, no news from home, all quite here! we love to see your emails come through as it lets us escape to a new world for a little while. well guys stay safe and enjoy this trip of a lifetime, take care now and look forward to hearing from ye again soon, love brain and ciara

  3. Per fiiiii!!! el Machu Picchuuuuuuuu!!!...Ja creia que no existia....Jejejeje
